Is Money
Something you Fear?
Maybe our Free Money Meditation
MP3 can Help.
There are a so many
books and websites around now sprouting forth the possibility of creating
and manifesting
wealth and abundance.
There is a huge market powered by the new gurus of self creation.
And guess what.. most of them actually do understand the process of how
to create your own prosperity, and indeed, your own life. Manifesting
abundance and wealth is indeed within our natural power. We have just
forgoten who we really are - powerful beings who can create at will.
With Money in Particular.. it
comes down to a few basic points that can influence our abilty
to create wealth.
Your own self belief that you really can manifest abundance in your life.
2) Your relationship with yourself.
3) And, your relationship with
Our Free Money
Visualisation is squarely aimed at point number 3.
What is your relationship with money?
Many of us still feel a bit
uneasy about wanting to be very, very wealthy. And many of us still
have the idea that 'money is the root of all evil' as part of our
belief system. What we often have trouble with is our belief that there is
only a finite quantity of money, or indeed anything else of value,
in this world.
The truth is that the universe
is infinitely abundant. Above us are a billion stars and each
with the possibility of supporting a planet such as earth within
it's orbit! That's how abundant the universe is!
Our Free Money Meditation is
about changing our relationship with money, not by trying to
attract it to ourselves, but by seeing it shared with others in the world.
This can feel
much 'safer' to us than trying to visualise huge amounts of money for
The effects are that this
can be very powerful in changing and softening our relationship
with money. Even though our free money meditation is not about
attracting money to ourselves...
That's exactly what it can help
to do!
Money Meditation
Download Money Visualisation
MP3 Now
Unwind to this
Beautiful Blend of
Calming & Relaxing Music.
The Abundance
Breakthrough Project - Create spectacular Abundance in your
life. This project is free and available to anyone who would
like to experience more Abundance and Prosperity. This amazing
opportunity is sponsored by Jo Dunning.
Jo Dunning also regularly has free workshops every month.
Listen in either by phone or online through her web site.
Law of
Attraction Talk Radio with Jewels - The Radio Show that is
Changing the World! Join Jewels as she talks with NY Times
Bestselling Authors, Scientists, Medical Doctors, Spiritual
Leaders and Law of Attraction Experts.
BlogTalk Radio - Download shows so you can listen to them at
any time.
The World Puja Network
- A Global Internet Broadcasting Network serving as a catalyst
for communication in the emerging New World. Through our daily
broadcasts we inform, inspire and empower humanity to actively
engage their creative capacities to instigate change and
catapult an upgraded shift of global consciousness. Cultural
shape-shifters and path-cutters join us for far-reaching and
fearless conversations regarding the The Emerging New World,
Ascension, Relationships, Health, The Economy, the Environment,
Cutting Edge Science, and Energy Reports. Our broadcasts keep
you informed daily. Our meditations and healing attunements
further support you.